Alert Healthcare is a division of Alert Ambulance Service, Inc., which has been a vital ambulance service for Massachusetts and Rhode Island residents since 1977. Our healthcare division developed in 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Instead of running from the problem we adapted as a company and jumped into action to help crush COVID. We began crushing COVID in Rhode Island where we partnered with the Rhode Island Department of Health to provide COVID-19 PCR swabbing for nursing homes, group homes, assisted living homes, etc. This soon progressed into a need for fixed site testing of Rhode Island residents. Alert Healthcare operated over 15 fixed COVID-19 testing sites throughout RI for the general public, students and faculty members. From there we branched into Massachusetts – Stop the Spread initiative and setup the busiest testing site in the state out of a parking lot in New Bedford.
Our efforts did not stop at just COVID-19 testing. We immediately saw the importance of vaccinations and jumped straight in vaccinating in both MA and RI. We have been and still are contracted with the state of RI to provide in-home vaccinations for homebound individuals and in-facility vaccinations for nursing homes, group homes, assisted living facilities, etc. There are now multiple vaccination clinics we run weekly including in-office, in-home, in-facility, and for local universities.
Why stop at vaccinations when there is an ACTUAL TREATMENT for COVID-19 that has been proven to save lives and hospitalizations? Here comes our MAB (Monoclonal Antibody treatment) team springing to action. Starting in January of 2021 in partnership with the Air National Guard we were successful in setting up the FIRST out of hospital MAB treatment facility in all of New England. This progressed and we are now one of the leading providers of MAB treatments in the state of RI providing in-home, in-facility, and in-office treatments.